January 29-31, 2010
Matthew 21
Pastor Michelle Hoverson
How’s Your Temple?
While reading Matthew chapter 21, one can’t help but think of the phrase, “what a difference a day makes.”
One minute Jesus was the center of an amazing parade with perhaps 2.5 million people crowding the narrow streets at Passover time. They filled the air with shouts of “Hosanna,” which means “O-save!” or save us now and continue to save and sustain us.
In the next moment, Jesus dramatically cleansed the temple of those that were using it for self gain, exploiting the poor and preventing true worship.
In your walk with Christ, you may have noticed that after crying out to King Jesus to save you, change a situation or alter your circumstances, He often responds first to cleanse you from something. Maybe it’s a wrong attitude, resentment or point of pride.
Scripture tells us that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit and dwelling place of God (1 Corinthians 6:19). Our hearts are to be full of God’s values, worship, prayer and holiness. The sign over our temples should read, “zero tolerance for sin.” Whenever an unholy activity or thought attempts to take residence in our temple, we must take swift action (as Christ did) and eliminate it.
As you meditate on this chapter, ask the Lord about the condition of your temple. Whatever the answer, be encouraged! If your temple needs cleansing, Jesus can provide it.
Michelle Hoverson is a Des Moines, Iowa native who just began her eighth year of service on the Grace Covenant pastoral staff.