October 26, 2010
Hebrews 9
Pastor Michelle Hoverson
Movie trailers are intended to captivate viewers to go and experience the real thing. They are never equal to watching the whole movie. Just as a movie trailer is a short representation of the full-length movie, so the Old Testament tabernacle and sacrificial system were symbols of the reality of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross for New Testament believers.
The writer of Hebrews reminded first-century Jewish believers and 21st-century followers of Christ that the blood shed by Jesus is far superior to any blood shed by animals through ceremonial rituals. When the Old Testament priests offered up animal sacrifices, the people’s sin was cleansed from them ceremonially, but their hearts were not cleansed.
By contrast, Jesus’ blood cleanses us from ALL unrighteousness. It makes us clean on the inside.
By Jesus’ blood alone…
… we have our consciences cleansed (verse 14)
… we are freed from spiritual death (verse 15)
… we are freed from sin’s power, to serve God (verse 14)
Rules and rituals have never cleansed and transformed people’s hearts. That’s why - as Jesus’ blood poured from his side on the cross - he said, “It is finished.”
Pastor Michelle’s predominant “D/I” personality blend is infused with a healthy dose of “C” under pressure. While driven, she likes to have others in the car and make sure that she’s driving in the correct lane.