October 6, 2010
2 Timothy 3
Pastor Wil Mouer
When you read the first paragraph of 2 Timothy 3, does it remind you of our society?
In the New International Version, the chapter heading reads “Godlessness in the Last Days.” It is clear that we are living in the times to which the Apostle Paul referred, and that can be shocking and fairly discouraging. Yet Paul encourages us by instructing what to do in these times.
At the end of the fifth verse, he wrote, “Have nothing to do with them.” This is the first directive. Paul went from describing a “Godless” people to telling us how to respond to them. He goes on to say that these people are so far gone that it is not worth our time or effort to fellowship with them. This can seem harsh, since it’s as if he is saying that some people are to be treated like “the plague”. Since we are called to love everyone, this may seem confusing.
Yet it becomes clear as we continue to read. Paul’s point is that there is always opposition to the Kingdom of God. Sometimes the enemy works by getting into the Church and bringing deception and division. Paul gave us a “litmus test” to recognize the characteristics of those in opposition to Christ, so that we can be alert to Satan’s schemes.
Paul continued to charge young Timothy with some important reminders that are applicable to our lives as well. Here are a few to focus upon in light of living in a “Godless time”:
- Everyone who wants to live a Godly life will be persecuted (verse 12)
- Continue in what you have learned (verse 14)
- Live with realization of the authority and value of scripture (verse 16)
Serving as Grace Covenant’s Student Ministries Director, Pastor Wil’s personality blend is a “high C with a lot of S” (according to the “DISC Model of Human Behavior.”) He values organization, yet is inherently a peacemaker who enjoys challenges and seasons of change.