March 16, 2010
Luke 9
Pastor Luke Lang
In your lifetime, you will answer thousands of questions. Some will be small (Paper or plastic? You want fries with that? Is this seat taken?), while others are big ones (Will you marry me? What did the doctor say?) So…what is the most important question ever asked?
Luke chapter 9 is action-packed! Jesus fed over 5-thousand people with a sack lunch. He healed some people, spent some quality time with Moses and Elijah, and predicted His own death. All in a day’s work!
In the midst of all the action, Jesus spent a quiet moment with his posse. He was alone with His disciples and it became the ultimate teachable moment.
He asked them a question…not just any question, but THE question - THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION EVER!!!! It wasn’t just a question for the disciples, but was a question that each of us has to answer: “Who do you say that I am?”
At some point, every person who has ever lived has to answer that question. Our entire existence depends on our response. Our answer will forever define us. It’s completely personal. No one else can answer for us. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks, because Jesus looks at us with eyes that lock into our soul and asks, “Who do YOU say that I am?”
Who is Jesus to YOU? Is He a historical figure, “good” teacher, religious lunatic, crutch for the weak…or is He your Savior, Lord, King, Only Hope, Refuge, Provider and Friend?
In the midst of all the actions of life, Jesus asks each of us the same simple question: ”Who do You say that I am?”
Your answer?
Pastor Luke’s favorite scripture is found in Proverbs 17:22: “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”