Thursday, March 25, 2010

March 25, 2010

Luke 16
Lynell McCrary

Through Jesus’ parables and teachings recorded in Luke 16, we learn that God is saying to be generous and responsible with our resources. Being generous and responsible with what God has entrusted to us may look different for each person, but is built upon the same foundation - Jesus Christ.

He was willing to give up His life for us. His generosity knows no limits and His responsibility is Kingdom-minded.

Does our generosity have limits? Do we exercise responsibility in extending our resources? To know how to truly balance generosity and responsibility, we must seek the face of Christ - not asking for specific answers to these questions, but simply seeking the heart of God. As we become more like Him, His nature is reflected in us.

Heavenly generosity and responsibility become byproducts of our focus and desire to become more like Christ.

LynellJeremiah 29:11 is Connections Director Lynell McCrary’s favorite verse of scripture: “’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not harm you; plans for a hope and a future’.”