Pastor Sherli Morgan
Does Christian brotherly love really work, even in situations of extraordinary tension and difficulty? That’s what we see happening in the 25 verses of Philemon.
Paul navigated the waters of being a slave versus freedom. While it’s a basic right of every human being to be free, I’m reminded that in God’s Kingdom we are set free from sin by the power of God, and then are to give ourselves to living out “servanthood” for our Lord.
I’m assuming that you’re on board with servanthood, since we’re redeemed – set free, made acceptable, restored, atoned, bought with a price….need I go on? We are bought with a GREAT price and then asked to live our lives in service to our Redeemer.’s a question for all of us: how are we giving back to our church and community?
Let me encourage you to step up, step out and be a blessing, just as you have been blessed. Spread the brotherly love that Paul talks about in Philemon!
Pastor Sherli’s “D/C/I” blended personality blend reflects a tendency to be in charge, while obtaining results through information and people.