July 12, 2010
1 Corinthians 4
Pastor Sherli Morgan
1 Corinthians 4 is a chapter full of things that most of us don’t want to deal with or feel that we can accomplish…with phrases like these:
- “Prove faithful” - We know that God expects us to do whatever we do for Him with utmost faithfulness. Yet in today’s culture, it’s a challenge to make a commitment. The world tells us to “hold out” for something better and it will look good on our resume – something that will make us feel important. However, in God’s culture – everything that we do as unto Him is important. Why wait until there’s a need? Why expect someone else to do it, when you could? Step up & be faithful!
- “Judge nothing” - How often have we thought that we knew why someone did something, only to find out later that we were wrong? It certainly takes the pressure off if we live by what is written here: “Judge nothing before the appointed time; wait till the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men’s hearts.” (verse 5)
- “Fools for Christ” – What? At one time or another, I think that we have all been put off by the “weird” guy with the megaphone proclaiming that you’d better “get right or else.” Yet honestly, could we ever really be a “fool” if we’re telling others about the good news of Christ – about abundant life?
- “Imitate me” – This is the scariest one for me. Paul was able to make this statement because he walked close to God, spent time in God’s Word and prayer, and was aware of God’s presence in his life at all times. Are we able to say “imitate me” to others?
We’re either products of our environment, or rise above it. In this chapter, Paul tells us many truths that will allow us to rise above the environment of the world. Take on one of them today!
Sherli Morgan joined the Grace Covenant Church staff in March, and directs children’s ministries from birth-pre-K. Her greatest vacation was a “trip of a lifetime” to Alaska - relaxing, with opportunities to pick and choose what to do…and a daily nap!