January 18, 2010
Matthew 12
Pastor Wil Mouer
Matthew 12:34-35
“You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For out of the overflow of your heart the mouth speaks.”
Speaking to the religious leaders of the day, Jesus rebuked those who taught in the synagogue and stood in places of spiritual authority. He challenged their inward motives, and that’s why He pointed to what was in their hearts.
Jesus is always interested in what is really going on inside us. While He wants us to do good works, it must come from a pure desire to please Him. At times, we can be like the people to whom Jesus was speaking in this passage.
Maybe God wants to do heart surgery in you today. Take some time to think about your motives and other areas of your thought-life. Jesus wants you and me to take a daily heart inventory, asking for His cleansing touch on some of those areas that are not pleasing to Him.
Wil Mouer directs “NextGen” (6th-12th grade and college-age) ministries, developed the “defy” curricula for middle and high students and serves periodically on the weekend teaching team.