October 18, 2010
Hebrews 3
Pastor Paul Glenn
Several times in Hebrews 3, the writer indicates that unbelief, if not corrected, results in a hardened heart and is considered rebellion by God. That raises two immediate questions…What would cause me to find myself in such a crisis of faith? How do I prevent this from happening to me and those I love?
Such a challenge to my faith has occurred on a couple of occasions, and they came as intensely difficult seasons. The situations were so intense that everything I believe about God and His character were being tested. I had to remind myself that God’s Word tells us these times will come. They are designed to mature our faith and strengthen our relationship with God.
I have found that one of the best ways to guard my heart in such times is reflected in verse 13. We are instructed to encourage one another. As I turn my attention away from my situation and toward others who also need encouragement, I actually begin to correct my own perspective. As I speak God’s Word to encourage others, it soaks into my own heart and mind, providing divine perspective that begins to act as a protective coating against sin and rebellion.
If you find yourself or those that you love in a difficult situation, speak God’s Word as encouragement. As we do, all of us can experience the promise in verse 14 to “share in Christ if we hold firmly till the end...”
Due to his “C/S” personality blend, Pastor Paul is a systematic and precise thinker who appreciates accuracy and details, as well as meaningful relationships.