January 4, 2010
Matthew 2
Pastor JoAn Blackmon
I have to say that the Wise Men were pretty impressive.
…understood the significance of the star signaling the Savior’s birth
…made plans for a home visit
…prepared stunningly appropriate gifts that would not only fund the young family’s safety during their travels, but symbolize perfectly the mission of this child who was born King, High Priest, and Lamb of God
These were guys who stopped and asked for directions! They expressed great emotion without apology, quick to drop to their knees and worship God openly. Yes, these were very wise men.
I hope that you will take a lesson from their example. Make a decision in 2010 to look up! Live discerning, thoughtful, intentional lives. Go where you find God. Present your gifts to Him. If you aren’t sure that you’re going in the right direction, stop and ask the King. Every day, rejoice in the good news of Jesus Christ! Kneel (bend your will) before Him and worship Jesus with all that is in you.
Today, all these years later, those are still the habits of the wise, and the marks of those rich in understanding.JoAn Blackmon manages equipping and discipleship teams, oversees “Women of Grace” (women’s ministries) and serves on the weekend and midweek teaching teams.