October 21, 2010
Hebrews 6
Pastor Luke Lang
I love the book of Hebrews. It’s just good solid stuff. The name always threw me off though. I thought it belonged in the Old Testament…but I love it. In fact, I always thought it would be kind of fun (in a cheesy, Christian subculture sort of way) to open a coffee shop and call it “He Brews.” Okay, stop groaning!
Hebrews 6 starts off with a friendly little exhortation: “Therefore let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity…” I’ve been hanging around churches since I was in elementary school. Over the years, I’ve heard a lot of people use this verse against leaders: “I’m leaving the church because it’s just not deep enough. I want to leave the elementary teaching and go somewhere I can mature.” Yet I have come to think that this verse is really more personal and practical. I don’t think it’s talking about what someone is teaching me, but what I am doing with what I know.
We learn the basics (which don’t change and were designed by God to be simple so EVERYone can understand), then we grow up by DOING what we have been taught. We don’t go deep by instruction, but by application! We leave the “elementary teaching” and put it into action by loving, serving and digging into God’s Word, letting it speak deeply to us personally and practically.
When I took Driver’s Ed (back in the early eighties...geez!), I read the Driver’s Handbook and listened to the Driver’s Ed teacher, but my driving skills didn’t develop until I hit the road. It’s the same with my faith. My maturity isn’t up to the teacher. It’s up to me…taking what I have been taught and living it out.
Now if you will excuse me, I’m going to brew some coffee.
Pastor Luke’s personality reflects a high “I” which, in his own words, “says that my name is Luke and I like to party!”