August 24, 2010
Galatians 6
Cammie Wilson
Have you ever thought, “Will my good deeds ever be rewarded?” or “Is it ever going to be my turn?” I have to admit that I’ve had those thoughts during some of the more difficult seasons of my life.
You know what I’m talking feel like you try the best you can, do the best you can and are being the best you can, but you’re still struggling! Things just aren’t going your way. You might call that having a “pity party,” but when you’re in one of those challenging seasons, it truly seems like your reality. You may wonder: “does anyone notice me and how hard I’m trying?” or “Does God see me, or am I forgotten?”
When I read Galatians 6:9, I am affirmed in knowing that others throughout history must have asked similar questions. The Apostle Paul made a point to tell the Galatians, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”
When I think about our current world situation - specifically the recession and all the challenges that come along with it - the faces of many good, kind, generous, loving and godly people that are facing what seem to be insurmountable obstacles come to my mind. It can seem very unfair at times.
That’s when I realize that I have to pull back and look at the “bigger picture.” I know that God, the King of the Universe Who created us and loves us, knows everything about us and wants the very best for us…hasn’t forgotten any of us. No one is excluded! Through the Apostle Paul, He encourages each of us not to become tired and give up, because we will be rewarded at the proper time. I love that promise!
A Charlotte and Lake Norman-area native, Cammie directs Grace Covenant women’s ministries.