March 4, 2010
Luke 1
Lynell McCrary
Many of us are familiar with Zechariah and Elizabeth’s story and how God blessed them with their son, John, later in their faithful lives. Yet I invite you to join me in pondering the prophecy reflected in verses 16 and 17. Any one of the items about which the angel spoke could have been enough for John’s entire lifetime!
My thoughts are turned toward the prophecy that God spoke through the heavenly angels over my life, when I was being knit together. I was not there to hear the words, yet I am challenged to seek after the pursuit of my heavenly assignment.
So the question becomes, “If I didn’t hear the exact words spoken over me, how will I know what they are?” I am finding that the more I press into Christ, truly getting to know Him and becoming more like Him, my life starts to be reflective of those heavenly words. My life should become a reflection of Christ which in turn becomes a fulfillment of His plan for my life.
What are you and I doing that reflect Christ in our lives? Is it our heavenly assignment?
Lynell McCrary taught middle school physical education in Los Angeles, coached women’s college basketball and served as part of Grace Covenant’s Connections staff before becoming the ministry’s director.