Monday, February 22, 2010

February 22, 2010

Mark 9
Pastor Jeff Allen

In the midst of a miracle

Marilee and I have been married for almost 11 years. About a year after our wedding, I went through nearly a full year of unemployment. While it was difficult with our financial situation, it was just as (if not more) difficult from an emotional mindset.

As the “man of the house,” I wanted to provide for my bride and be her “knight in shining armor.” I wanted to sweep her away to my “castle” and provide for every need. It was very humbling not being able to do that. Although God took care of every need - and has ever since - I remember murmuring a lot and making assumptions about the future.

In Mark chapter 9:14-29, we read about a boy possessed by an evil spirit. In a moment of desperation reported in verse 22, the boy’s father said to Jesus, “…if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.” Jesus’ reply: “If you (I) can? Everything is possible for him who believes.”

After Jesus commanded the evil spirit to leave, the boy lay there lifeless. The crowd began to murmur and believe that he was dead. Yet many of those in the crowd misunderstood what Jesus was doing, assuming that they knew the outcome.

In the midst of a miracle, how do you respond to something God does that you don’t understand? Do you assume that you know the future, or continue to trust God? Do you murmur to others, or keep a careful eye on Christ?

Jesus reached down, took the boy by the hand and helped him up. Be encouraged today that Jesus can!

Believe, keep your eye on Him and you just might witness the miraculous.

jeffJeff Allen served as a staff pastor before coming to Grace Covenant, most recently in Colorado with oversight of children’s ministry, the worship/music team and management of a 144-acre kid’s camp.