Monday, August 16, 2010

August 16, 2010

2 Corinthians 13
Pastor Michelle Hoverson

My stepfather was a surgeon, so we faithfully practiced annual physicals as I was growing up. My dad taught me that many serious illnesses can be caught early and avoided, if people schedule routine physical examinations.

The Apostle Paul wasn’t a medical physician, but a physician of the soul. He realized the importance of regularly examining the condition of the heart. That’s why 2 Corinthians 13:5 is so straightforward, “Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith, examine yourselves!” Each Christian needs to undergo periodic self-examinations as part of his/her spiritual walk to ensure maximum faith-health.

Here are a few questions to test your spiritual vital signs:

  • Do I spend more time counting my blessings than my shortfalls?

  • Would my faith-walk be best described as “religious” or “relational?”

  • Am I moved when I come to the Lord’s Table?

  • Do I enjoy spending time with the Lord, or has it become a duty?

  • Is my conscience soft, as exhibited by routine repentance?

  • Would the people closest to me say the love of God is naturally flowing through me?

  • Am I sharing my faith with others?

  • Do I live with expectancy to see God at work in my life?

If you are weak in any area of self-examination, you just have to go to the Great Physician, The Lord Jesus. He will point you to the best course of treatment that will bring spiritual vitality.

Pastor MichellePastor Michelle has two favorite Bible characters – Abigail in the Old Testament “because she was bold, wise, discerning, courageous and risked speaking the truth for the greater good” and Cornelius in the New Testament, “because his hunger for more of God was greater than his fear of moving into the unknown with the Lord.”