Friday, October 15, 2010

October 15-17, 2010

Hebrews 2
Mike Schwiebert

I love the opening and closing of Hebrews 2. There is a wealth of principles here, but I think that the bookends (verses 1 and 18) capture it:

“We must pay more careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away...he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.”

We have an obligation to be on guard and stay true to the faith. No one plans for destruction and chaos in their lives, but it is often a result of mishandling the “little things.” I am convinced that this is where the battle is won or lost. Are we being faithful to daily disciplines like study, simplicity, service and worship? If we are not doing the little things, I would suggest that we may be drifting away.

We are not on our own. The argument of this chapter is that Jesus is like us…so have hope! He knows what it is like. He really does. His help is available as we go about doing the little things.

Do you have any patterns in your life that are spiritually unhealthy? If so, live within the bookends.

MikeWith tongue planted firmly in his cheek, Mike offers this observation about his predominant “D/C” personality blend: “I am almost always right and eager to point that out to you. I have been accused of not being in touch with my feelings. That is untrue. I absolutely care that we stay focused, stop talking, and get these tasks done. Can I get back to work now please?”