July 28, 2010
1 Corinthians 16
Pastor John Edwards
It’s one thing to implore people to stand firm, have courage and be strong, which the Apostle Paul summarized (1 Corinthians 16:13) near the end of his challenging letter to the believers at Corinth. Yet it’s quite another to model it.
Notice Paul’s resolve, passion and focus, as recorded in verses 8-9. After expressing a heartfelt personal desire to come to Corinth for an extended visit, he asserted, “But I will stay on at Ephesus until Pentecost, because a great door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many who oppose me.”
That last phrase (see underline above) really captures my heart. In the face of opposition, natural tendencies are often to react (fight) or retreat (flight). Yet Paul’s position was simply this: God hasn’t called me away…He is at work…what an opportunity! It’s a resolution acknowledging real obstacles, yet forging ahead by faith in the unseen and, as yet, unrevealed.
As received by Corinthian readers, it must have been a powerful example to a people struggling with the surrounding culture and how to live out their relatively new faith in the midst of it. Its implications are no less powerful for you and me.
We’re still here, for a God-ordained purpose. He is still working. So…stand firm – courageous and strong – even in the face of cultural opposition.
Warrior of the Most High God, “A great door for effective work” is open!
A native of northern Mecklenburg County, John Edwards facilitates Grace Covenant Church’s strategic planning and public information, while collaborating in development of Grace Leadership Network.