Wednesday, January 20, 2010

January 20, 2010

Matthew 14
Pastor Derek Floyd

John the Baptist was called to prepare the way of the Lord. He was also sentenced to prison and put to death by a tyrannical king.

What do you do when you’ve served with full commitment, but now you’re struggling through life-altering circumstances?

When Jesus heard the news of John’s death, he went out on a boat to be alone and grieve. Yet the crowds followed, and He had compassion on them. He fed the multitudes, and all were healed that touched the hem of His garment. The tragedy of John’s death mobilized Him for great ministry.

I believe that there is victory and power awaiting us if, through faith and unyielding prayer, we allow God to use our circumstances for His glory.

Let God strengthen your resolve and position you to walk in His favor. Like Peter, may we step out of the boat and experience miracles like we have never known before.

Pastor DerekDerek Floyd facilitates corporate worship in collaboration with musicians in our bands, vocal praise teams and Worship Choir.