May 12, 2010
Acts 5
Mike Schwiebert
I have to say that the Acts 5 story of Ananias and Sapphira is very extreme. I don’t usually think of Christianity in terms of killing people. After all, we are the ones that don’t judge. We are the ones that offer life.
So why were the apostles, at such an early point in the church’s history, involved in this capital justice? What possible glory could God get out of a result that produced great fear in the body of Christ? (verses 5 and 11)
Here’s my take on it. From our perspective, the reason that this may seem a little extreme is that we do not see lying the same way that God does. Jesus tells us that satan is the father of lies (John 8:44). Lying is his native language. When we lie, we are aligning ourselves with the forces of Hell and communicating in the language of the devil. Lies cannot coexist with God. They bring death.
Acts does not record that the first Christian adulterer or thief felt God’s instant justice. However, the first liars did.
I think that He is trying to get our attention.
Father, I need your help to always speak in Your language, the language of truth and love.
Mike serves as Media Director, including oversight of video, audio, duplication and in-service graphic support functions.