March 17, 2010
Luke 10
Pastor Stan Wilson
From the moment the alarm goes off, we are inundated with an oversized menu of thoughts, choices and decisions about our day. When our feet hit the floor, we are forced into a race of preparation, hoping to feel some sense of accomplishment at the finish line.
The finish line is marked when darkness makes its way into night. Upon its arrival, we crawl into bed to sleep, only to start the race over again too soon. It’s a proven fact that finding success in this daily regimen depends upon the ability to identify the important things, choosing to place them first.
We find a great example of this in Luke 10, an account of two sisters who invited Jesus into their home. Martha is to be commended, since she is the one who extended the invitation. However, we read that she chose preparation over His presence. Martha allowed herself to become overwhelmed with her perception of necessary details and was unable to experience the refreshment and joy that His visit was intended to bring.
While her sister Mary sat at the feet of Jesus, intently listening to His every word, Martha reached her boiling point. In a display of frustration, she complained. I would imagine that Martha expected Jesus to offer a word of correction to her sister and excuse her to the kitchen. However, it became clear that this was not the case as he said, “Mary has chosen what is better.”
What will you choose today? Will you place your preparation over His presence, or will you invite Him in, sit at His feet and experience the refreshment and joy His presence promises to bring?