July 15, 2010
1 Corinthians 7
Pastor Paul Glenn
In 1 Corinthians 7, the Apostle Paul reminds us that life is complicated for everyone. The complications differ slightly from single to married adults, but no one is immune. Both deal with personality differences, situations of passion, fidelity, devotion, financial requirements and other concerns. Paul makes recommendations for several situations that faced the young Corinthian Church’s members, including his personal point of view regarding marriage/singleness.
Constantly, our culture sends messages that “the grass is always greener” somewhere else, especially in relationships. However, Paul teaches in this chapter that we should be content in any situation. He recommends repeatedly that individuals should remain in their present situation (verse 17) and in doing so, God will grant grace to them and those around them.
His hope for these young believers - and my hope for you - is that we “…live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord.” (verse 35)
A Texas native, Paul Glenn oversees financial, property, personnel and other church business-related operations at Grace Covenant Church.