Friday, February 19, 2010

February 19-21, 2010

Mark 8
Pastor Michelle Hoverson

Sometimes the disciples were spiritually dull, and that’s what happens to you and me when we allow a little “leaven” into our faith.

When you add leaven (yeast) to any corner of a lump of dough, the effect will permeate the entire lump. In the scriptures, leaven (yeast) is used as a picture of sin.

Jesus warned His disciples (and us) to guard against sin associated with the Pharisees and Herod:

  • Despite their status as religious leaders, the Pharisees were constantly attempting to sow doubt in people’s hearts that Jesus was who He said - the Divine Messiah of Israel and the Son of God. As present-day disciples, we must also be vigilant - not allowing the power of religious philosophies and false doctrines to be sown subtly into our faith. Admitting one false teaching into our hearts begins departure from the truth.

  • Herod, an unprincipled political leader, was focused on power, prestige and popularity. As Christ-followers, we must be on-guard that materialism, fame or pleasing people do not become points of personal sin. If a person’s opinion ever becomes more important than honoring God, the “leaven effect” takes place and it will have a disastrous impact on our fellowship with the Lord.

Since our Lord didn't say “beware” a lot in His ministry, we would be smart to tune into the message when he does! Let’s pray that we would be spiritually watchful, not allowing the “leaven” of current “Pharisees” and “Herods” into our lives.

MichelleBefore joining the Grace Covenant pastoral staff, Michelle Hoverson served in various communications roles within the government and private sector, as well as full-time ministry in church and district administrative office settings.

1 comment:

  1. P. Michelle,
    Thank you for your keen insight and beauty of speech. You make it clear that we can so easily fall prey to workings of this world and question our God through our faith. This has made me rethink the little things that might encumber my relationship with my Lord. I want nothing to stand in the way of His desires for my life.
