Tuesday, March 2, 2010

March 2, 2010

Mark 15
Pastor John Edwards

He was accused falsely…ridiculed publicly…mocked…beaten…spit upon. His physical body was broken and His blood flowed. Yet...join me in a fresh look at Jesus Christ’s response.

The Mark 15 account of our Lord's “trial,” unimaginable punishment and horrific crucifixion is such a familiar story. However, its impact on our lives must remain alive. You and I must feel the weight, responding with nothing less than gratitude...and a willingness to learn something about resolve.

He knew His purpose, and didn’t waver. That example should mark our lives too.

In recent years, Pastor Rick Warren’s The Purpose Driven Life has been one of the best-selling books of all time. At the risk of over-simplifying his excellent challenge, it’s essentially a book about resolve. “Living on purpose is the only way to really live,” wrote Warren. “Everything else is just existing.”

He goes on to offer “life’s five greatest questions.” How would you answer them?

  • What will be the center of my life? (the resolve to “worship in everything”)

  • What will be the character of my life (the resolve to “grow in faith”)

  • What will be the contribution of my life? (the resolve to “serve in ministry”)

  • What will be the communication of my life? (the resolve to be – and speak - a “living testimony” that will touch the hearts of unbelievers)

  • What will be the community of my life? (the resolve to “connect in community”)

The resolve begins with you and me, but we don’t have to do it in our own strength. Instead, we have the hope from God’s Word, described in 2 Chronicles 16:9: “For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.”

Jesus Christ's response was not determined by the religious leaders' accusations, the jeering crowd, Pilate’s actions, abusive soldiers or mocking onlookers. His resolve – His sense of unwavering purpose - challenges me to the core.

As Christians called by His name, we must be people of resolve. He deserves that kind of response, and so much more.

Pastor JohnBefore joining the Grace Covenant pastoral staff, John Edwards served in broadcast and print journalism, public information, marketing, community relations, non-profit program development and strategic planning.

1 comment:

  1. Pastor John: Thanks for a great devotional reading today. You presented a new perspective to this chapter that has blessed me and I'm sure many others.
