Tuesday, November 16, 2010

November 16, 2010

2 Peter 1
Pastor Stan Wilson

This is my favorite time of year. As the sun shines, a brisk chill seems to fill the air, making the weather seem nearly perfect. The vibrant color of fall fills the landscape, as leaves scurry down to the ground. A walk through the neighborhood and the sound of the leaves crunching beneath my feet spur wonderful memories of times past, as well as anticipation of what is to come. Soon the leaves will all be gone and the crisp chill will turn to a frosty cold, all of which are signs that the holidays have arrived.

As I write, my wife is sitting at the kitchen table, planning the menu for two different family gatherings. Later this week, she’ll join the crowds at the local market with coupons in hand and an extensive list of necessary ingredients for a mouthwatering meal. On Thanksgiving Day, as the aroma of favorite foods fill the air, I’ll hear these words - “If you want me to make that sweet potato casserole, then you’ll have to go to the store and get some brown sugar. And, by the way, if you want me to make biscuits, then you’ll need to get some more flour. We’re out.” With those words, I’ll be off to the store.

Do you ever feel that you’re running short on the ingredients needed for all that is required of you? Do you ever question if you have all that it takes in order to give your best to your marriage? How about parenting? Have you ever felt that you’re short a measure of wisdom? What about your journey as a Christ-follower? Have you ever felt like connecting all the spiritual dots seems impossible and your spiritual growth is idling in neutral, with only a little gas left in your spiritual tank?

If so, I challenge you to take comfort in these words found in 2 Peter 1:3: “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.” God has already provided everything that we need to be successful in both life and godliness. The discovery of his complete provision is found through our commitment to His Word and quest to know Him intimately.

If you feel like you’re running on empty, I challenge you to open His Word and allow your tank to be filled.

Pastor StanWhen asked about a historical figure (not from the Bible) that he would most like to meet, Grace Covenant’s Executive Pastor for Staff Care and Worship identified Corrie ten Boom “because of her faith and confidence in God’s continual care and her strength and courage in the face of great adversity.”

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