Friday, December 3, 2010

December 3-5, 2010

Revelation 3
Pastor Paul Glenn

In Revelation, John tries to help us see who Christ is…in all of His aspects. In chapters 2 and 3, Christ has messages for seven churches, representing seven types of Christians. As we assess ourselves, you and I should consider these seven types of Christians to determine where we stand.

These are the final three types addressed in Revelation 3:

  • Sardis Christians – They may be known to be alive, but are not as they appear. Instead, they are great actors and their relationship is actually dead. What life still exists is asleep. They don’t serve God completely. Christ instructs them to WAKE UP!

  • Philadelphia Christians – They are faithful. Some of them may not seem strong, but they are still faithful. They keep God’s Word by living accordingly. They haven’t denied Jesus’ name or who He is. Christ instructs them to KEEP GOING!

  • Laodicea Christians – They are pitifully neutral. They have grown self-sufficient and blind to spiritual matters. In fact, they wear self-righteousness like a wardrobe malfunction which makes God want to spit. Christ instructs them to GET SERIOUS and REPENT!

Considering all seven types, where do you see yourself? If you are not happy with the answer, then make a change…begin shifting to another category. Choose another Christ-follower and honestly discuss your self-analysis. He/she can provide encouragement and accountability in your transformation.

Pastor PaulWhen asked to describe his favorite meal, Pastor Paul responded with “chicken fried steak (the real thing, not a frozen patty) with cream gravy, along with mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, homemade yeast rolls and Texas sweet tea, followed up with warm pecan pie and vanilla ice cream.”

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